This morning, Donald Trump began shredding the First Amendment (emphasis mine):
President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested that NBC’s broadcast license should be pulled as punishment for the network’s reporting on his national security meetings, opening a new front in the president’s long-running battle with the press.
NBC News published a report Wednesday morning stating that Trump had surprised his national security advisers by proposing a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a July meeting. The meeting was what allegedly led Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to call Trump a “moron” — a comment that NBC first reported last week.
Even Republicans profess a belief that the First Amendment is part of the bedrock of America.
Does anyone doubt that the meeting took place, that Mr. Trump really DID propose a ten-fold increase in our nuclear arsenal, and the Mr. Tillerson called Mr. Trump a “moron” for doing so?
It seems to me that “moron” is among the most gracious characterizations that this insane and insanely suicidal proposal deserves.
This “moron” needs to be removed from office. Right. Now.
More important.
I agree, I’m trying to be gracious to our other-winged participants. 🙂
Trump is ignorant and contemptuous of history.
We now know that one of the reasons he passed over “Liddl’ Bob Corker” for SOS was his height of 5′ 7″. Not tall enough.
Well, I have news for you, “moron.”
The author of our Constitution, James Madison, was 5′ 4″.
Saw on FB today that a GOP state legislator thinks we should license any and all media outlets. His “logic” is that if we want to license people for exercising their second amendment rights we should also license people for exercising their first amendment rights:(
Like Peter denying Jesus three times, Tillerson denied calling Trump a moron three times yesterday.