If every single person in that Vegas audience had a gun, there is still nothing they could have done. Are they all going to aim the guns at a giant hotel? That would not have gone well for the neighboring guest rooms.
If this particular event doesn’t force those being used (and politicians being bribed) by the NRA to see, it’s hard to imagine anything will. We just need this to be spelled out to them. And now. They do not GET to decide when or how this nation grieves. Not again. Not this time.
Please share widely!
In my view, the latest massacre points a loaded at gun at AMERICANS, not the IRA. More specifically, about REPUBLICANS.
Specifically, the attitudes of far too many Americans about guns. For example, from a piece published yesterday on CNN (emphasis mine):
To the extent that this poll reflects reality, then nearly a third of Americans (31.5%) believe that owning a gun is a “fundamental freedom”, The political line is sharp: 40% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents on guns, compared to 20% of Democrats.
We are not just polarized between Republicans and Democrats, but twice as many of our Republicans are armed.
So we are looking at people who put Donald Trump in office, put GOP crazies in the Congress, seethe with racism, homophobia, and misogyny, and are armed — often heavily, often with multiple weapons.
It is FAR too late to be pointing fingers at the NRA, their damage has been done a LONG time ago.
It is time to confront REPUBLICAN VOTERS with the lies and evils they support and perpetuate. Others are welcome to strive to win them over — perhaps they’ll respond to tea and cookies.
I say call them out. NAME their evil what it is.
REPUBLICAN dogma causes and celebrates shooters murdering dozens and wounding hundreds.
WHITE AMERICAN MEN are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners. The REPUBLICANS among us fall over each other to make “illegals” and “Muslims” the enemy, while WHITE AMERICAN MEN kill us.
It’s time to face the truth about the REPUBLICANS among us.
I’ve also seen polls indicating vast majorities even of gun owners would favor tighter controls. Plus, can I assume you meant NRA rather than IRA in your first line?
Indeed, I meant the “NRA”, not IRA.
The piece I linked to finds support for tighter controls at 55-44 (support vs the sam or less strict). The specifics were:
From the same piece, Republicans don’t believe access to guns increased the likelihood of mass shootings:
Of the gun measures that have broad-scale support, the three most popular would have had NO IMPACT on this tragedy:
– Background checks for gun shows and private sales
– Laws to prevent mentally ill from buying guns
– Federal database to track gun sales
The only measure that might have helped has the least broad-scale support:
– Ban on assault-stile weapons