The best definition of patriotism that speaks to me is from Adlai Stevenson : ” Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”
Last week, former CIA Director John Brennan, who served under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, re-defined patriotism when he defended football players who took a knee in protest of racial inequality :
” Taking a knee during the national anthem shows respect for the flag and for all those who fought and died for it and, at the same time, concern about problems within American society that need to be addressed.
Pejorative and caustic comments about the practice show a disregard for one of the most important foundational principles of our great nation — freedom of expression — as well as ignorance of the corrosive impact of conscious and unconscious racial and class bias within our society.
It is at times like these that government officials demonstrate that they have or sorely lack the leadership qualities and values that are needed and expected by the American people. And at all times, the primary responsibility of the POTUS is to do everything possible to safeguard the lives of American citizens, which is why Mr. Trump should have laser – like focus on mitigating the catastrophic damage of Hurricane Maria on the people of Puerto Rico.”
At the moment, I would say that patriotism is not giving up.
Mike Barnicle on Trump : ” He exhausts me. I’m tired of seeing him, I’m tired of hearing him. I’m tired of wondering if he knows what he’s saying or what he’s doing.”
Me too, Mike.
” Washington resigned his commission so we could have civilian control of the military, and now we have military control of the presidency.” CARL BERNSTEIN
” The greatest desecration of the flag occurs when the core values of freedom of speech and expression are defiled by POTUS and VPOTUS.”
” The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.” BARACK OBAMA