I was so proud of my local newspaper’s – the Wakefield Daily Item – editorial today condemning Congressional inaction on gun safety control :
“… While we watched the footage yesterday in numbed resignation to the fact that nothing is going to happen that will stop this type of carnage, some politicians in Washington, like Salem’s Seth Moulton and Melrose’s Katherine Clark, did something about it.
During a moment of silence in the U.S. House of Representatives, Clark walked out of the chamber. “To have only a moment of silence where there is never action taken, tragedy after tragedy, that is not something I want to be part of,” she said. “To somehow say this is evil and out of our control…That is just hiding behind the horror of the situation and not doing your job.”
Clark also led a sit-in on the House floor last year after a mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub.
Moulton, who represents Wakefield in Congress, called out House Speaker Paul Ryan.
“How many Americans have to die before you do your job?” Moulton tweeted. “Allow us to have a debate and a vote. You’re letting America down.”
Yes, you are.”
I could not be more proud of my two friends, Katherine and Seth. That’s what courageous leadership sounds like !
NRA donated : $ 6 million to the GOP and $ 100 thousand to Dems in 2016.