“On 7/12/95, as this video shows, Ratko Mladic gave candy to Bosnia children & said “don’t be afraid.” Then he led massacre of 8,000 in Srebrenica. Today he’s convicted of genocide, forever etching his name in history as mass murderer of innocent civilians.”
-Ambassador Samantha Power
People think these things cannot happen ‘here’, wherever “here” is. Never forget. Genocide can happen anywhere there are human beings at the helm, and there are no checks and balances and rule of law with an independent judiciary, including in the United States of America.
Ordinary people need to understand that genocides are committed by people who are very persuasive and play into their deepest fears and resentments: in short, it is critically important at this particular moment in American and World history that people understand that genocides are committed by ‘nice guys’.
I remember this monster Fascist butcher of Srebrenica. Damn him to hell.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” VOLTAIRE
Hope it doesn’t take 20 years for the butchers who are establishing facts on the ground in Myanmar to get what’s coming to them.