I thought this was a good article outlining four credible progressive women who could win the 2020 nomination. I am still convinced we lost in 2016 by failing to articulate a Rust Belt jobs agenda and worry these candidates aren’t talking about that issue. Then again-I also believe so strongly in changing the culture of #metoo that I want a top to bottom house cleaning of elected predators in both parties and that starts with replacing Trump with a woman president. Interested in what our community has to say.
Please share widely!
I don’t want to replace Trump with a woman just for the symbolism. I’ll settle for replacing him with a non-pervert. As usual I will look for the candidate I see as best qualified to hold the office.
I supported a woman last time, and not because she was a woman. As Christopher says, I’ll vote for the candidate I think will do the best job and can be elected.
I don’t think Elizabeth Warren will excite the country as she has excited Massachusetts, and I’d rather see her in the senate. I don’t really have a problem with the other three women or Amy Klobuchar.
Agree about Warren. I think she’s in the unenviable position of being a shoe in for the nomination but a risk for the general. Only candidate who could quickly bring together the Biden and Clinton supporters and wrap up the primary. Then a long and undignified campaign against Trump to follow, as today’s remarks remind us.
Hopefully we will see who emerges from 2018 as a great surrogate for our swing state candidates and can make our evaluations after that. I do think it’s worth considering.
Since I was burned on John Edwards, I like to wait to make my decision, and even then, I don’t like to fall in love with a candidate. I”m all for women in office. I didn’t support Obama in the primary, but I was extremely pleased that we had elected a black man. Now I’m extremely pleased that we had a serious, competent man and a decent human being in the White House.
INCIDENTALLY, check out the link on Seascraper’s post. He links to a serious academic article which might be more up your alley than it is mine.
I’m not sure Biden supporters need to be brought together with anybody. Seems to me he IS the guy to bring together the two “wings” of the party.
Interesting you like Biden early on-so do I!
I think being everyone’s second choice could be very beneficial in the early phase of the primaries. I still favor a fresh face-but feel he is a stronger candidate than people give him credit for.
Well, considering I look for best qualified/experienced/prepared he seems the most obvious fit among those who have been named so far, but I’m a long way from any firm commitments.