How do we answer Dianne Wilkerson’s excellent question?
Some of us, including myself, refuse to allow the progressive party to become the puritan party.
Nonetheless, the standard here in the Boston media, seems to be to have a drumbeat to stampede the Democrats to resign without any real due process when it is appropriate as in Conyers’ case in which allegations were largely credible and not anonymous, but also with Franken, when this is not so clear. Then, when the Democrats do resign, quickly switch back to bending over backwards to show that you do not favor Democrats by giving them little credit – largely failing to acknowledge, or being tremendously hesitant to point out except on the RAREST of occasions, the following realities:
1. The Democratic Party is qualitatively SUPERIOR to the Republican Party in its policies on gender and equality of the sexes;
2. The Democratic Party is qualitatively SUPERIOR to the Republican Party in its insistence that its politicians be held accountable for sexual harassment; and
3. The reason for this superiority is no mystery: the modern Democratic Party is now clearly the progressive party in this nation, and as such, the Democratic Party holds its elected leaders to higher standards with regard to these issues of equality and workplace safety for women and vulnerable minorities. Period. We just get no credit for it from the media, desperate not to appear to favor the Democratic Party.
That’s the truth.
Meanwhile, Djt and Roy Moore appear quite likely committed CRIMES, and there is no political price. Unilateral disarmament cannot possibly be the answer. We can only hope the principled stance of the Democratic Party will pay political dividends in 2018.