Some of you may poopoo the value of Twitter, but this is why I value it. I had NO IDEA that Roy Moore had said the following IN SEPTEMBER. Did you?
Responding to an African American asking when he last thought America was “great”: Roy Moore said, “I think it was great at the time when families were united. Even though we had slavery, they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”
Former Suffolk County Sheriff Andrea Cabral responded thusly in her Twitter feed, @criticalthawt : ” ‘Even though we had slavery…’ Centuries of this country’s history and the time that Roy Moore picks as the last time America was *great, is a time when white people owned black people.
If Alabama elects this man, I think we’re done here.”
Out of the many reasons to fear this man, Sheriff Andrea Cabral hit upon what should be at the top of the list.
Not to mention that slavery DIVIDED families when members were auctioned off separately and that marriages among them were not recognized by the law!
Moore’s racism was exposed on MSNBC Morning Joe by the hosts and Rev. Al Sharpton.
A staggering statement. Thanks Terry.
Disbelieving the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments is just as disqualifying as pedophilia when it comes to serving in the worlds most deliberative body. Considering the Senate’s own sordid history blocking abolition, anti-lynching, and desegregation; I would hope no decent Senator allows him to be seated.
A parishioner at church was ashamed to admit she was from Alabama. I just smiled and said we were all praying for her state. I reject the notion that God favors a political side, but I prayed against Trump and I am praying against Moore. I honestly believe decency and justice won’t prevail if Moore can enter the Senate.
We’ve had some harsh disagreements about the Franken/Conyers controversy, but I am truly humbled and heartened that we can all rally against racism and the many other hideous views this man holds. His America is simply not mine. An American that sends him to the Senate has no idea what this country is actually about. Or who it’s for.