Real question… I can’t find any description of a limit on immigration from the current leaders or prospective candidates. I can’t find who the Democrats propose should become Americans or should not. I’m not sure that the Trumpist idea of what our country is/ should be is right, but at least I have some idea what it is and how it’s reflected in their idea of immigration. Those who can demonstrate that they will love America in the old-timey way. Those who can demonstrate that they will succeed economically here (which maybe is all that America has become — kind of sad in itself but there you are.)
I don’t see who the Dems want in except those who will tend to vote Dem. Since the overwhelming majority of the world is poor, then allowing open borders will ensure Democratic power if the rest of the world comes here.
(And I’m not looking for speeches here. I believe that the Dem party uses civil rights to keep its white leaders in power, & the more emotional the activists get the more it’s proved to me. Just wondering if there is some kind of official position.)
Christopher says
That’s your second consecutive post that seems to dogwhistle this issue, but now I can’t find your other one so I wonder if you deleted it or it were removed. I know it was there because I downvoted that one too.
Speaking for myself, my immigration policy would be “y’all come!” Any person not deemed a threat to public health or public safety would be welcomed with open arms. People already here who have otherwise been law-abiding would have their status made permanent and fast-tracked to citizenship if they wish. Discussion of going to the back of the line would be moot because our legal immigration system would be so efficient there would be no line. Border security under my policy would focus on weapons and drugs rather than persons. Employers would not be responsible for checking immigration status, but would be responsible for treating workers correctly. Those without documentation who report employer violations would be protected from having their status used against them.
That said, since our foundational national ideology is that ALL people are endowed with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and as practical matter we can’t take the entire world’s population, it is very much in our national interest to take every opportunity to promote political liberty and economic opportunity in all countries.
Charley on the MTA says
Yeah, the other diary was a “white man can’t get a job” thing and it’s just beneath the dignity of this site. I trashed it.
petr says
There is a great deal of circumstantial evidence that the implementation of immigration law coincided with, and was solely driven by, peak — and nationwide — involvement of the Klan in politics. The so-called ‘second Klan.’ There is a book coming out, or just came out, which I’ve been hearing a little about that makes the case. I don’t have time to look up the title and author, right now, however.
johntmay says
Whenever I hear someone say “Well…..MY ancestors came here LEGALLY!” I remind them that until the late 1800’s, there were no immigration laws and those that followed were, primarily aimed at stopping the immigration of those thought to be of an inferior race.
johntmay says
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
I’d say most Democrats would use the above statement to describe who the should become Americans or should not.
Following that, with regard to Republican plans to limit immigration to only certain people from certain nations with certain qualifications, most Democrats would reply by saying “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” and therefor seeing one immigration applicant as better than another is simply against our cultural and the intentions of our founders.
—-“Since the overwhelming majority of the world is poor, then allowing open borders will ensure Democratic power if the rest of the world comes here.” —–This statement is only true because of the reality that a large number of Democrats (sadly not all) represent the needs of the working class and every Republican without an exception, represent the needs of the ownership class. No one is forcing either party to represent either class, that is their choice.