Apparently our former Senator and Secretary of State is considering one more try at the top job. While there is no doubt he would be among the most qualified I confess I’m having a bit of difficulty coming up with a rationale for a 2020 candidacy or figuring out which niche he would fill in the race this time around.
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Kerry could be the first president married to a billionaire.
The source is a far right Israeli newspaper that is opposed to Kerry’s laudable efforts at a fair resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so I am taking it with a grain of salt. That said, it’s a wide open field with no clear front runner, so why wouldn’t he look at it?
Running also keeps someone and their ideas in the news cycle and keeps them in the running for VP or cabinet slots. It’s also a great way to sell books and get a tv show, at least on the right.
Now is he running to win and is he our best candidate? I would think the answer to both questions is a resounding no. In retrospect he wasn’t the terrible candidate we remember him as, it’s very difficult to beat a war time incumbent after all, but he certainly isn’t the best we can do now.
He is apparently trolling Donald Trump about his weight.