Displaying a total ignorance of irony, he had the temerity to denigrate immigrants of color on the same day that he prepared a statement to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination.
“Lady Liberty, our founding fathers, and generations of right-thinking Americans are all weeping tonight over the atrocious comments attributed to Donald Trump, who continues to demonstrate daily that he is a deeply flawed person.” former CIA Director John Brennan
Will this vulgar, dangerous madness ever end ?
Please share widely!
Dems will look like pious frauds when they make a deal with Trump. Which they will have to sooner or later.
24 hours ago he had “grown in office”. Ha
Totally ruthless negotiator who will not only beat opponents but humiliate them.
Agreed. I think it’s time for Democrats to “shut it down” and leave Washington D.C.. I’m not just taking about elected officials, I talking about anyone who feels strongly against a vile racist occupying the office of the presidency. Shut is down.
A shut down will hurt the government and its ability to operate and in return we get what again? I’m not following why it’s a good idea, it certainly didn’t help the GOP politically the two times they shut it down in the past.
I should have chosen my words better, calmed down and thought it through…….you are correct, shutting down the government would not be a good action for Democrats to take. What I was thinking of is this: No Democrats attend the state of the union address. Democrats refuse to enter the White House. Democrats refuse to use the phrase “President Trump” and instead, call him Little Donny Boy.
the more you say Trump is racist the more humiliating it is to have to deal with him. But you will deal with him, because increased immigration is unpopular. He’s doing it on purpose.
We’re mostly talking about people already here these days rather than increased immigration, though that is what continues to make this country truly great.
Trump during the televised negotiation on Monday, prior to reverting to his racist self later in the week with his vile remark about Haiti, was open to legalizing the folks already here in exchange for better border security. Basically the Schumer-Corker-Rubio bill bomb throwing extremists in the House killed four years ago.
If he can convince some of them to shift so he can sign something, it would be a great way to help a lot of people without having to wait for the midterms. Honestly, it’s the one area other than infrastructure where working with the President now makes more sense than trying to shut it down just to say we resisted him. Those deportations will only stop after reform is passed and if we can do it now we should.
Well the above is certainly a dated comment. It’s becoming patently obvious the President doesn’t want to compromise on this issue and is siding with the hardliners in the party.
“Nothing is more dangerous in the whole world than sincere ignorance or enthusiastic stupidity.”
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.