My favorite Republican pundit, Steve Schmidt, is a profile in courage. He writes :
“Enjoyed getting some time speaking with a friend of mine this morning. He works his ass off as a doorman at a Manhattan hotel. He is an immigrant from Ghana and a US citizen. His son is finishing college and getting ready to begin officer candidate school in the army.
The Trump faction in America accounts for between 32-36 percent of voters. The overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens are aghast at the racism, malevolence, chaos and corruption of this administration. November 2018 will present an opportunity to deliver a massive repudiation of Trumpism. Fire is part of the natural life cycle of the forest. It destroys the forest but also purifies and renews it so that the cycle of life can begin again. So it must be for the Trump – Republican party. Only through repudiation and defeat can it be renewed.
The corrupted, rotten and complicit Republican majority that is abetting this Presidents damage to our institutions, national security and domestic tranquility must face electoral annihilation.
A massive coalition of Democrats, independents and appalled Republicans must come together to deliver a message to the world that the American people will defend our Republic and the inheritance bequeathed to us by previous generations. A righteous anger is building in this country and it must be channeled in to the 2018 election. Enough. Defeat them all.”