I cant improve on what appeared in the Weekly Dig, so here’s the link.
The gist of the article is that Walsh has completely changed his position on housing the homeless on Long Island. The complete flip flop in 60 days is noticeable enough, but what really distinguishes this is how Walsh attacks the motives of the people who disagree with him BOTH TIMES. Even though he’s attacking his own position(s).
Please share widely!
Hey that’s what he did on the Olympics too! For taxpayer funding before he “saved us” from it.
I don’t see it. In fact, I call [horsefeathers]. He doesn’t want to hide the homeless, which is a housing problem. He does want to sequester, perhaps even ‘quarantine,’ the addicted which is a health problem.
Homeless does not equal addicted. Two different problems. The island is not appropriate for one problem but entirely appropriate for the other.
It’s called ‘nuance.’ You should try it sometime.
Here’s another DigBoston story on homelessness and South Station which people should be aware of: