Just wanted to drop a quick note to mention that I’ve noticed quite the slowdown of activity on BMG lately. The diaries are fewer and farther between and those that are posted are generating a fewer comments. Haven’t seen much even from those who are usually quick to mix it up. Not like there hasn’t been plenty in the news nationally and there are races starting to percolate here in MA. I know people get busy, but I hope everyone is OK.
Please share widely!
Charley on the MTA says
Yeah, I’ve noticed that. I think the national news tends to suck the oxygen out of the room on the local level a bit.
That being said: Elizabeth Warren is up for re-election. Obviously we’re electing a governor. We’ve got the looks of a fine race in MA-3. And we’ve got ways to influence other states as well — NH and ME — and via fundraising. We’ve got stuff to do. But the constant drama in Washington is a little distracting!
JimC says
Bring back Ernie!