Mr. Trump’s American Dream.
“No people on earth are so fearless, or daring, or determined as Americans … If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cross it.”
“Fearless, daring, determined”?
Try “self righteous, self centered bullies”.
Your country is built on blood from the First Nations with blood from Africans.
Your economy is a capitalistic cacophony ranging from gold toilets to homelessness.
The innate “every man for himself” in The American Dream is thriving in your health care and education for those, who can afford it – and in your notion that you all need to be armed to defend yourselves against one another.
Your minimum wages are a disgrace, and reluctantly, you pass out token-money to people in need, because you think you have a right to control what they buy.
You fill your youngsters’ heads with bullshit about “military honor”, “fighting for democracy”, which you cannot even call your own country, and when they are done killing for your access to resources, they either come home in a coffin with “Stars and Stripes” on it, or they are left to rot in the streets.
The fact that so many Americans are wise, loving people is due to human ability to persevere, not due to “The American Dream”. Unfortunately, there were not enough of them in the voting booths.
You just gave the best speech money can buy.
But what you need, money cannot buy.