Florida school shooting survivor asks Rubio about NRA money
Florida school shooting survivor Cameron Kasky challenges Sen. Marco Rubio: "Can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA?" http://cnn.it/2FmL1KE
Posted by CNN on Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Slippery senator stays solipsistic showing student as superior citizen.
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I’m getting cautiously optimistic that seeing parents and victims directly confront these officials could help turn the tide. It will at least for good attack ads in the future to take on NRA hacks like Rubio. The Sandy Hook parents are understandably despondent, but they took their case behind closed doors. The Parkland parents and students are directly asking pro-NRA lawmakers to look them in the eye and dare them to maintain their indifference. It is powerful and effective and could finally be the thing that moves swing voters on this issue against the NRA.