Connor Lamb promised voters he would not support Nancy Pelosi if he was elected to the House of Representatives. He won in a RED district. There was a lot of talk about how his election was a referendum on Trump, but it seems to be one on Pelosi as well. I don’t think it’s because of her political stance or her gender, but certainly some will object to that. So what is it about her? I think it’s just that she’s been in office a long time, and for a long time things have not improved for the working class and they are getting restless.
Please share widely!
I have a comment that turned into a post. Sorry to usurp.
I can’t find your post?
Sorry, it’s up now.
Might as well remove my original post.
Nah, leave it!
Most people don’t object to Pelosi the actual person or legislative leader, but Pelosi the stereotype. She comes from San Francisco, which in the mind of many is a city overrun by gays and hippies and doesn’t share the values of the heartland. (Never have figured out why heartland values are morally or politically superior, or even that different in essentials, from coastal values, but I digress). She was actually a pretty effective Speaker IIRC.
I think that a minority leader who was a male from San Francisco would have as much trouble getting “red state” support as a female minority leader from just about anywhere else. The fact that she is both… you can do the math about as well as anyone. It seems, however, you prefer not to…
There isn’t going to be any house leader and/or Speaker of the House of Representatives who hasn’t been in office a long time: that’s one of the very things that best recommends them to the actual jobs of house leader and Speaker of the House.
Paul Ryan has almost 20 years in the House. Why is he not getting the same amount of grief of which Pelosi is apparently so deserving? John Boehner had 30. Why, I ask, did he not get the same rash of grief that Pelosi is now getting?
By the “standard” offered in the thread-starter, we would have tossed Tip O’Niell.
Tip O’Neill was elected to Congress in 1952. He became Speaker in 1977 — TWENTY FIVE YEARS later.
Tip O’Neill did as much for working-class men and women (actually for everyone) as any elected official has done before or since.
The meme of the thread-starter is broken. Let those who oppose Ms. Pelosi do so based on matters of substance.
“Been in office a long time” is nothing but a dog-whistle for other things.
Yup, Tip was a good one.
Yup, that’s what the author of this thread did when he wrote
Perhaps the thread-starter might be edited so that last sentence is as follows:
With that change, I agree and will recommend it. I might add that, as changed, the thread-starter has very little to do with Ms. Pelosi.
I enthusiastically agree with you that things have not improved for the working class and they are getting restless. In my view, that unfortunate reality has nothing to with Ms. Pelosi and will not be changed by either removing or re-electing her.