I did not attend myself, but I’m curious as to the impressions of others. Did you attend one of these events? If so which one and what did you see and hear? If you watched the DC event on TV what stuck out to you?
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
Pope Francis tells youth to keep shouting ! Today, he said : ” There are many ways to silence young people and make them invisible. Many ways to anesthetize them, to make them keep quiet, ask nothing, question nothing. There are many ways to sedate them , to keep them from getting involved, to make their dreams flat and dreary, petty and plaintiff.”
Yes, I watched the March for Our Lives and I was inspired by them, wept with them, and re-energized to keep fighting for change both by them and this amazing Pope.
Many colleages marched today, and I look forward to seeing if any students did. I was unable to make it due to family obligations, but it does seem like this is striking a nerve. Last weekend I was in Central Illinois attending a wedding when I overheard two parents have a friendly argument over whether their students should walk out. One parent was repeating the right wing talking points about students being too ignorant to march and that they were being manipulated to back policies they did not understand, the other parent politely pushed back, reminding the first one that their own community had a school shooting and the kids were acting more sensibly than the adults on this question. Now the second parent would not be out of place in Massachusetts, but if we are starting to make inroads into gun country than the NRA could be in trouble as its soft supporters become opponents following the lead of their kids.
This sign stuck out at me : ” For I was hungry and you cut my food stamps, I was a stranger and you deported me, I was sick and you denied me healthcare, I was a child afraid to go to school and you voted with the NRA.”
Matthew 25: 35 – 36
New Hypocritical Version