Sixteen Democrats recently voted to rollback regulations on the banks. With the exception of Tim Kaine who was her VP running mate, all of them were super delegates for Hillary Clinton.
And we’ll wonder why Trump wins a second term?
Please share widely!
Because he’s better on banks? That’s quite to post hoc, ergo propter hoc thing you’ve got there:(
THIRTY superdelegates for Hillary Clinton voted against the rollback. according to your own link. The superdelegates for Ms. Clinton voted against the rollback by an overwhelming margin.
This is even simpler than post hoc, ergo propter.
This is a simple non-sequitur.
The bigger story is that these Democrats are cooperating with Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell to undo the legacy of Barney Frank, Barack Obama, and Elizabeth Warren. They are only doing this to please their donors.
There are zero Obama/Trump voters begging for fewer banking regulations. There are frankly zero progressives or grassroots conservatives begging for fewer banking regulations. The populist anger on the left and the right is directed against big business and big government,
Some of the these Democrats come from safe blue states. Some of them come from swing states where frankly a more populist approach to banking reform would help them win. This has nothing to do with the last primary. These are Democrats selling out not just the Sanders Wing, but mainstream Democrats like Frank and Obama.
Challenging these DINOs is the only way to get them to change or go home. On Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill alike. These are the people that give truth to the lie that both parties are the same.
Let’s not forget that Seth Moulton is in this group in the House. He’s the only MA person to vote that way.
I enthusiastically agree.
In particular, I agree that “this has nothing to do with the last primary”.
This betrayal of core Democratic values by those claim to be Democrats is a travesty. As you say, it is a travesty on both Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill.
The notion that ONE Democrat would cooperate with Trump, Ryan, and Mitchell in turning their back on the working class and siding with their wealthy donors is unacceptable to me. I see that you do not agree and are willing to let this slide.
You’re really reaching trying to construct this anti-Clinton strawman. Why not stick to her voice and pantsuits?