Metoo attacks the historical fact of men’s hold on power and money and the way women have had to surrender their bodies to get that power and money.
In the past, there was some general condemnation from society and religion of men who used their money to manipulate women into sex. We have killed that condemnation by freeing men from the religion-based restrictions of fidelity and responsibility to their wives and children.
I don’t know if those religious restrictions were good. Many feminists argue that they operated simply to hold women in bondage. In any case they are pretty much gone. A period of free-for-all has followed in which men do very very well at least as far as having plenty of sex without trading much money.
I believe there are biological differences to sex and one of those is that men are more suited to thrive in a society organized around easy sex whereas women are likely to be damaged and depressed about it.
In the place of religious restrictions feminists and progressives argue that we will establish through indoctrination of the youth a society in which restrictions will come from a belief in equality-based progressive politics.
But for that to work, women will have to make their mating choices on the basis of those politics, not on the old basis of money and power. Men have to see results of truly living progressive values rather than lifting weights and staying at the office late. And that is where the project falls down, because nobody lives their life by this theory, and in truth, women are making these judgements about who to sleep with and marry using the same old criteria they always have.
It looks to me as though “the project” is working just fine — the very fact of this diary is evidence of that.
The “too big to fail” men and their companies are, in fact, falling like flies.
It is not up to you, me or any other man to proscribe how “women will have to make their mating choices”.
I think #metoo” is working just fine, and I predict that it will continue to gain power and influence. I enthusiastically support it.
First, what century are you from, since it’s clearly not the 21st and even the 20th is pushing it, at least the late 20th, the part I lived in?
Second, my understanding of the idea behind MeToo was to raise awareness – specifically to make men aware this behavior happens more often than we think or want to admit and to let women know they aren’t alone. On both counts I would say mission accomplished.
I think the very fact of this diary is proof enough that it is, in fact, working quite well.
You think this is about ‘easy sex” ?? What a thoroughly male perspective…
“We have killed that condemnation by freeing men from the religion-based restrictions of fidelity and responsibility to their wives and children.” I am no historian, but I’ll bet you plenty of men in the past (when culture was more religious generally) violated religion-based restrictions of fidelity. Didn’t Hawthorne write a book about that in 1850?