I’ve rarely been on the soapbox lately, due to work and time constraints, but seriously-workers rights are human rights. I am so grateful for two blue collar parents who never got the elite education I got and have far more wisdom between them than I could ever hope to get from graduate school. They worked their asses off and depend on union pensions and social security to get by. It’s fundamentally unfair that people like Trump get to be born on third base and think they hit a triple, while my parents are worried about Medicare cuts. It sucks the history books will talk about him and say nothing about a woman who raised two kids by herself, would have put herself through school had Reagan not cut community college. Whenever I hear welfare moms demeaned, I think of my hard working mom and sister and get really pissed off. Whenever I hear people complain about entitlement programs or folks on disability, I think of a man struck down by a horrible accident his senior year of high school who never asked for a handout until the social service work he dedicated his life to became physically unbearable almost 40 years later. Whenever I hear immigrants attacked, I look at my amazing wife and her brilliant parents who have more education between them than the typical executive suite. We are all workers. We are all humans. We all deserve a break, a raise, a safety net, and a wage we can raise a family on.
God Bless the Working Class
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