It was the journalist Michael Kinsley who changed our understanding of gaffes with his observation that they occur not when people lie, but when they say what they really think. So, Sen. Karen Spilka — the consensus senate president in waiting — was in all likelihood speaking not only for herself but for a lot of Dems on Beacon Hill. And given the level of support they have shown for our Democratic gubernatorial candidates, Beacon Hill Dems seem perfectly happy to re-elect Republican Charles Duane Baker Jr. So it’s not unreasonable to ask: WTF are we doing here? Clearly, it’s time for new leadership.
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He is doing a good job … at protecting himself and legislators from political risk.
That will work for a while, maybe even through Election Day. But at some point the future, for which you failed to plan, arrives. I’d say we’re there.
It looks to me as though the fly in that ointment is that as things get worse and worse, people seek “answers” more and more desperately — and stop caring whether those answers are true or not. Or worse, more and more passionately reject true answers that they don’t like (for whatever reason).
It looks to me as though things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get any better.