Who among us has not wondered — exactly how does the Speaker of the House manage to keep such tight control on proceedings, passing bills he likes and bottling up those he doesn’t? Here’s a blow-by-blow example of a bill in the Speaker’s favored category and how it got passed by an overwhelming majority. The author is Representative Denise Provost, one of the two “no” votes on the bill, who sent this valuable information to her lucky constituents in a recent newsletter. (Those interested in the substance of the bill, “Community Benefit Districts,” will find more information from Rep. Provost after the jump.)
Some of you may be scrambling to discover how your representative voted on H.4546, the complex, consequential bill I’ve described in the previous section [ed. note: after the jump in this post]. Spoiler alert: only two of us voted against this bill. Let me explain, though, why you should not necessarily jump to negative conclusions, if your rep cast a “yes” vote.
When I take the T into Boston in the mornings, I read electronic news digests like the “MASSter List” and “POLITICO Massachusetts Playbook,” which sometimes give me good information about goings-on in the House. On the morning of Wednesday, May, 30, I saw that H.4546 had been polled favorably out of the Committee on House Ways and Means that morning. As soon as I looked up the bill, I could see that it was the latest iteration of bills I’d been voting against for years, except that the districts were no longer called “special assessment districts,” but the warmer, fuzzier “community benefit districts.”
H.4546 hadn’t been on the list of bills the House was planning to take up that day, and at the 11:00 am Progressive Caucus meeting, it was still not clear that we would be voting on the bill. I left the noon Democratic Caucus at 12:30 to take a meeting; roll call votes were scheduled for 1:00 pm. At 1:15 pm, an email came from the Clerk’s office, saying that amendments were in order for H.4546.
Soon after, there was a quorum roll call announcement, and I went to the Chamber. Several colleagues told me that they had not had their questions about H.4546 answered in caucus, but had been promised a meeting with a staff lawyer from the Speaker’s office to answer them. I was asked to attend, and readily agreed.
In a matter of minutes, “H.4546 on engrossment” appeared on the board, and the Court Officers chased the members out of their private conversations and into their seats. We got to hear a little speech about how Community Benefit Districts were a ‘helpful tool,’ stronger than Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), which would allow commercial areas to be spruced up; if, for instance, business owners wanted to put planters outside all the shops.
I felt quite confident that this vote was not about sidewalk planters, but the roll call machine was immediately turned on. Rep. Michelle DuBois of Brockton and I cast the only “no” votes. The members who had unanswered questions never got their promised “meeting;” the bill was passed to be engrossed, and the official tally of the vote showed that the roll call machine was closed at 1:46 pm.
By contrast, members of the Senate learned at least one day before that H.4546 would be taken up on Thursday, July 19. This little window of notice gave the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Massachusetts and other interested parties time to send expressions of concern to the senators. Fifteen members of the Senate voted against the bill, and at least one who voted for it did so provisionally, saying he might vote against enactment, depending on what he was able to learn.
Personally, I think that both chambers of the legislature should have given their members more notice about the upcoming vote on the bill. It’s a long, complicated bill, and its implications are not immediately clear. I have to wonder, for both branches of our legislature: what’s the hurry?
I have a fundamental philosophical objection to privatizing government functions, services and property. I recently voted against a bill (H.4546) which would allow the creation of appealingly-named “Community Benefit Districts, (CBDs) by private land owners. These private fiefdoms – which could include public property – would further institutionalize wealth inequality, by allowing the biggest landowners to exact fees from their neighbors, and spend for purposes devised by private boards of directors – unelected, non-transparent, and unaccountable.
The Boston Globe recently asked me to make the case against CBDs – in a mere 350 words. My analysis was published in the Sunday July 15 edition. Since the link no longer seems to work, here’s the content:
I recently voted against a bill allowing private property owners to map out and create “Community Benefit Districts.” Once municipally approved, these district corporations would assume many powers, including to charge “assessments” that all non-exempt property owners in the district would have to pay, even those who do not support the district or its plans.
Proponents say Community Benefit Districts are a “local option.” While it’s true the districts would need municipal approval, cities and towns would have to hold hearings within 60 days and then vote within another 45 days whether to approve the districts. This tight schedule would demand local staff time and might require special town meetings.
If approved, these district corporations could build infrastructure and facilities; acquire property, including parkland; operate transit services, enter contracts, and incur indebtedness. Coincidently, these functions are ones governments usually perform. This commonality makes the districts look like vehicles for broad delegation of municipal powers to private parties essentially operating as shadow governments.
Some say district assessments would be a new tax. These fees also resemble small-scale eminent domain takings since they extract private property. But eminent domain takings must be for public purposes. Community Benefit District corporations would be privately initiated and controlled, their one-time local approval the merest lipstick of operating under color of law.
Local governments have the power to assess fees on specific properties to pay for special benefits. Municipalities use these “betterment assessments” to fund traditional property improvements like sidewalks, sewers, or even golf courses. To pass constitutional muster, though, municipal betterments must meet accountability standards. Yet the proposed legislation turns the work of providing betterments over to private corporations, with no clear accountability.
Human societies recognize that there are separate public and private realms, an essential distinction in government because it determines which rules apply. There is no legal clarity whether muddled hybrids of public and private power such as Community Benefit Districts and Business Improvement Districts are subject to public integrity requirements like the open meeting, and public records laws.
Aggrieved parties would probably have to go to court to get answers to the many questions that adoption of the Community Benefit District model would raise.
These districts are designed to provide additional services within designated district, creating a class of ‘gated communities’ within cities. Once they have the blessing of their local governments, CBDs are empowered to collect fees from other landowners within the district; those who are just 30 days late in their payment get liens slapped on their property. CBDs are designed to base governance, access, and services on wealth, and so undermine the civitas.
Never understood how collegiate model congresses or event student legislatures seem to be able to do this more efficiently and fairly than actual legislatures. It’s pretty simple: Member introduces bill; bill considered by appropriate committee; committee refers to full body with recommendations; full body takes up recommendations (at least the favorable ones) in the order in which they are reported.
Umm, because in actual legislatures, efficiency and fairness are not the highest priorities?
It’s not at all simple unless you can purify everybody of self-interest.
You don’t think politics is involved in these examples? The procedures are still pretty simple.
I’m a long-time BlueMassGrouper (though I seldom post) writing as deputy director of the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance to reply on Community Benefit Districts (CBDs). With due respect to Representative Provost (and understanding the larger point she is making), the community benefit district bill passed the House for the fourth time on May 30. Over the last 2 years, it was vetoed twice by the Governor and once sent back with amendments. This version, although it was negotiated with the administration, remains faithfully to what we originally proposed.
It began as an initiative of organizations representing advocates from affordable housing, environment, community development, public health, and planning. The MA Smart Growth Alliance is deeply committed to equity and empowering communities to improve themselves. Four years ago, we saw the need for a mechanism to sustain planning and placemaking efforts in walkable areas, so we developed the concept based on national best practices, interviews with existing Business Improvement Districts, and local officials. This is our bill, not something coming from and to promote wealthy corporations.
This is not a new idea. District management is a best practice—the norm in almost every major city in the country. It’s not even a new legal mechanism for Massachusetts. CBD functions the same way as an existing Massachusetts law, Business Improvement Districts, which has operated successfully for 20 years without the kinds of problems or controversies that have been suggested. The CBD model would be an alternative for local stakeholders and municipalities.
All laws regulating the use of public space remain intact. Look at Downtown Crossing. That is an existing BID and we have seen no reduction in public access or free speech. The very mission of these districts is to increase public access to these public spaces and maintain them in better condition.
Organized labor is unaffected by this bill. No public jobs can be privatized. In fact, by improving the vibrancy of our downtowns and small business areas, we will increase public tax revenues generated and that will have a positive impact on funding for public sector jobs and initiatives. Furthermore, these districts create new jobs, good working-class jobs with decent pay, benefits and career ladders. A major CBD we studied in California has 40 employees successfully reintegrated into society post-incarceration.
CBDs are proposed by local petition and approved or rejected by local elected officials. It is appropriately up to local officials to weigh the pros and cons of a particular CBD and to make the decision. From our research and experience, it is really hard to create a BID or CBD. Districts are only proposed after an intensive process of community organizing and dialogue with the property owners who will participate and other local stakeholders. Then they go through a municipal approval process.
To sum up, this is a vehicle for investing in and maintaining the kinds of walkable, vibrant, well-maintained places that we all want to support. This is a way to bring those resources to bear—shaped and managed by the community itself.
Larry Field
While you might laud the specifics of the bill, the actual larger point about ‘ambush legislation’ is well taken: the final form of any specific legislation might be ‘acceptable’ to advocates but the outcome is not the only thing that matters; the process suggests that there something less than palatable about the bill.
A complex bill absent any real debate, voted out of Ways and Means in the AM. The vote opened at 1:15. Voting closed by 1:46 pm… and with legislators as ‘chased out’ of informational sessions…
Is one half hour really enough to add amendments and debate the bill? It probable took the Hon. Representative Provost more time to write up her description of the bill, and the voting thereof, than it did to vote on it!!
Maybe there isn’t anything at all unpalatable about the bill… which makes the manner of its passage all the more suspect.
Do you think this bill would have been jeopardized by such things as
* notice
* information
* debate?
Just curious if these same concerns were expressed at the public hearing held May 11, 2017?
They were not. I believe the only opposition at the time came from an anti-tax group and a specific concern from the Associated Industries of Massachusetts about clarifying that the charity reporting requirements would apply to CBD corporations (the language was changed to make that point clear).