The abuse described below shows that these innocent children are not those who deserve to be in jail.
“Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
-MLK. Letter from the Birmingham Jail
The worm will turn, and at least a few of the monsters who did these things will be brought to justice with the tincture of time:
U.S. federal government’s documented abuses against immigrant kids include:
* Punched a child’s head 3x
* Kicked a child in the ribs
* Used a stun gun on a boy, causing him to fall to the ground, shaking, with his eyes rolling back in his head
* Ran over a 17-year-old with a patrol vehicle and then punched him several times
* Verbally abused detained children, calling them dogs and “other ugly things”
* Denied detained children permission to stand or move freely for days and threatened children who stood up with transfer to solitary confinement in a small, freezing room
* Denied a pregnant minor medical attention when she reported pain, which preceded a stillbirth
* Subjected a 16-year-old girl to a search in which they “forcefully spread her legs and touched her private parts so hard that she screamed”
* Left a 4-pound premature baby and her minor mother in an overcrowded and dirty cell full of sick people, against medical advice
* Threw out a child’s birth certificate and threatened him with sexual abuse by an adult male detainee
“The worst terror a child can experience is being taken from their parents. Would blonde, blue-eyed children ever be treated so brutally at our border? Would 4,600 Puerto Ricans have been left to die if they were “white”? NO. Trumpism is racism. What in God’s name have we become?” Jim Carrey
“Evangelicals have been warning about the Antichrist for 2000 years. But when he shows up, they vote for him.” Tweet from a friend