My fellow Americans : In defiance of the proverbial ostrich with his head in the sand or ignoring the 800 pound gorilla in the room — a question. Can we talk?
I used to play this word game with my late Mom — a public school teacher — who taught me the power of language this way. See if you can think of a sentence using the following definitional vocabulary?
CAPITULATE — to surrender unconditionally.
SYCOPHANTIC — a self – seeking, servile flatterer, fawning parasite toady, yes man, flunky.
APPEASED — to yield or concede to the belligerent demands in a conciliatory effort at the expense of justice.
Sycophantic Donald Trump took a knee to fascist dictator, Vlad the Enemy of Democracy, in Helsinki secret meeting where he capitulated on economic sanctions, weakly supplicated American national interests, destroyed America’s post World War II Greatest Generation Alliance of peace, prosperity and progress for all, and appeased Russia shamelessly.
He did all this in our name.
…and yet, no Republican in the house or senate will condemn him, he enjoys support of 35% of the American people, and a huge majority of Republicans support him.
This party is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far off the page and Democrats worry about being “too far left” (aka, too much in support of the working class).
I would slightly edit your first line to “no Republican in the House or Senate WHO IS SEEKING RE-ELECTION will condemn him.” There have been a few who have who are retiring.
The Republican Senators who are not running for reelection can, today, declare themselves independents (or better yet, Democrats) and block Trump’s Supreme Court pick. But they do not.
I’m sure the R senators hate Trump too. Why don’t you offer to vote for President Pence in 2020 if Trump is such a threat to the Republic? What is it worth you to give up to get rid of Trump?
Or are you going to go about it with the usual othering and shaming.
Republican in the House and Senate are caught between the big cash donors who they depend on for campaign funds and the bigoted racists they depend on for votes, all of whom support Trump.
Pence is pretty awful too, policy-wise. I’ll be voting for the Democratic nominee, thanks.
I think he was referring to other Republicans. You can have your tax cutting, abortion ending agenda and eat your anti-Putin cake too with Mike Pence. If I were a conservative, I would honestly take that over the present. I am shocked the vast majority of the GOP and its base does not feel the same way.
Even Dems should tolerate a Pence presidency as a result of removing Trump before his term expires. We should put country over party too.
Yes, I was referring to the Republicans. I don’t think that Trump’s base has faith in Pence (no pun intended) to “piss of the libs” as much as Trump does. I tend to agree.