I just called Governor Baker’s office to ask if he planned to sign the Automatic Voter Registration bill sitting on his desk into law before the August 13 deadline. The response was he is undecided as of now.
According to Common Cause MA : ” AVR will make our elections more inclusive, accurate and secure.”
CD-3 Congressional candidate Alexandra Chandler noted : “Elections in Ohio and Kansas yesterday remind us that every vote counts. AVR makes voting easier and our elections more secure.”
This is a no brainer, folks. Let’s get on the phones today and tell the Governor to do the right thing!
Please share widely!
FYI AVR House Bill # H. 4667.
While you’re at it, ask him to hold a town hall meeting in your area. The state party is pushing this and we have calls going out to voters about this. Make him explain his vetoes of projects and services in your area. Our Senators and House members have held them, but he has yet to hold one.
AVR passed unanimously in the MA Senate and overwhelmingly in the House.
Just spoke to the Governor’s office again and was told he has not yet taken a position on whether to sign AVR by the Monday deadline. When asked : “What’s the problem” the response was he hasn’t issued a public statement yet on what the problem is to which I responded : “This is a no brainer. The bill passed the Senate unanimously and had overwhelming bipartisan support in the House. so please tell the Governor to make up his mind, do the right thing, and sign the damn bill.”
At which point there was dead silence and a clicking hang up sound.
His Excellency signed the bill late this afternoon, causing my FB feed to light up.
SCORE ! Chalk up one for the good guys.
AVR law automatically registers voters when they get their licenses at RMV or Mass Health insurance through the state. New voters would have to opt out if they don’t want to join the voter rolls.
We are the 14th state to pass AVR which will take effect on January 1, 2020, ahead of the presidential primary.