Your homework for the weekend is to study up on all the candidates and vote this Tuesday no matter how hung over or sun burned you are from the last gasp of summer before the fall.
For info on where to vote and to check your registration use the Secretary of State’s website.
WBUR has in depth interviews with the candidates running for statewide and congressional positions and its also worth looking at their non partisan index of contested races.
Progressive Massachusetts is an organization I’ve had the privilege to do research for and I heartily second all of their endorsements in the 2018 statewide*, congressional, legislative races.
*I like Tingle for LG, but Palfrey is a great choice too
I am sure Palfrey would be a good cabinet secretary, but he adds nothing to the ticket. If we had a wildly charismatic candidate for governor, Quentin might provide some balance, but I can’t see him generating much excitement among general election voters beyond Lexington and Lincoln.
We’re behind two touchdowns late in the game. Tingle might be able to throw the “hail Mary” pass. Palfrey?