Or should I say, John Walsh and Doug Rubin are, independent of Patrick of course, making the moves to position Patrick for a run. Mark me skeptical of any MA Dem winning the Presidency again, therefore, why do MA Dems continue to run?
Now back to the Primary.
Please share widely!
Why are you skeptical?
What jconway says below.
He comments specifically about Warren and Patrick, but does not make the case that no MA Dem could ever win the presidency again.
I thought you were referring to Patrick’s chance. As for my general belief that a MA Dem can’t win the Presidency in 2020: history of the last 20 years in US Presidential elections makes me skeptical.
I think Warren is a far more credible (and equally likely) presidential candidate than Patrick. I know I’m unpopular for saying this, but we have Patrick to thank for more charters, casinos, and DCF deaths that apparently weren’t egregious enough to justify a single firing.
It’s well documented that he gutted mental health care funding and education for the mentally disabled as well. I’m not voting for Baker, but I give him credit for prioritizing fixing that agency in his first year and he deserves the plaudits he has received for fixing it.
I still think Warren and Patrick are equally weak against Trump for different reasons. Patrick because he is neither progressive nor pugilistic enough for the current primary electorate, let alone, a general election driven by rage against Trump.
Warren because I think her populist message from 2012 has been subsumed by a recent shift toward the economic center while staking the bulk of her appeal on fighting Trump on social issues. You know, the same strategy that didn’t work for Hillary. Her new aides (many of them Clinton 16’ veterans) seem to think she can beat Bernie in the primary by calling herself a proud capitalist like Hillary did. Good luck with that in this climate.
I’m worried about Bernie’s age and Biden’s past, but those are the only two candidates who can credibly translate our party’s principles to voters outside the tent right now. I have hopes Harris and Gillibrand can be fresh faces who can convince independents progressives have their back, or turnout minorities who didn’t show in 2016. My 18’ favorites Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams, and Beto O’Rourke still have to win this cycle before we can even talk about them for 20’.
You do understand that FDR’s “socialist” New Deal saved capitalism from collapsing into communism, right? I don’t think Warren has changed, nor should she. That viral video filmed in Andover when she was still testing the waters for 2012 included affirmation that those who go in to business and make things should “keep a big hunk” of their profits, but just pay their fair share. There neither is nor should be any shame or danger in saying you are ultimately a capitalist. I don’t see that changing as our fundamental economic model, though I wouldn’t mind socializing a few more specific things such as health care. True capitalism works best when there are checks on its extravagances and safety nets to prevent people from being left behind. Even Adam Smith understood that.
My whole point was if we concede socialism is a dirty word we play into the rights hands. I do not see a substantial difference between the social democracy of Bernie Sanders and what the New Deal Democrats stood for.
Neither should Sen Warren. The Third Way is trying to find a candidate excited about capitalism and perhaps she is playing for their voters.
And let’s not rule out John Kerry Hey, maybe Warren, Patrick, Kerry and Moulton can car pool up to New Hampshire together. This is crazy stupid.
I don’t buy the Kerry rumor mill. I absolutely believe Moulton will run for higher office in 2020 and already know he is assembling a campaign staff. Whether it’s against Markey (aka the John Tierney of the Senate) or Trump is the only thing up in the air for him. Dad Conway thinks Seth is a bit of a lightweight, but likes when he’s on Bill Maher, so we’ll see how far he goes.
I thought he was barely on Bill Maher, with DL Hughily filibustering.
I saw Moulton speak at an event a couple of years ago in Boston. By the time he was done, the audience was in a coma. Awful.