Kavanaugh was helpless and adrift while the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford was loaded into the torpedo tubes. Now it’s dive dive dive. Where is the earth shattering kaboom?
I think they figured out she’s a dud, whatever happened to Blasey Ford, she never identified those jerks who assaulted her until she read that guy’s book and came up with names.
She sent in the letter in hopes that others would come forward. They didn’t, but that didn’t stop greedy Democratic Senators and their staffers from flinging this poor woman into the spotlight for their own advancement. Now she looks like a confused idiot.
All we need now is a rival to come in and use the phrase “amateur hour” for Booker and Harris. Who will be first?
Democrats don’t believe this woman
Please share widely!
She came forward on her own and took a lie detector test. This post is embarrassing.
This Democrat believes Dr. Ford.
Democrats: don’t listen to Seascraper. He’s repeating right-wing propaganda.
According to the Republicans, Kavanaugh was not at the party and if he was, he did not commit the act, and if he did, it was just horseplay, and if it was not, he was just a kid so none of this matters.
It was 45 years ago since I was an 18 year old kid who went to weekend beer parties. I can’t possibly say which ones I attended and did not attend, unlike Kavanaugh who must have kept a diary in anticipation of being nominated to the Supreme Court.
Furthermore, I would find it impossible to suddenly have the signatures of dozens of women I knew at the time, supporting my character, but somehow Kavanaugh has done this.
The man reeks of sleaze, not unlike the sexual assailant who nominated him.
I don’t need a diary to know that neither I nor any of my friends ever held a young woman down on a table, struggled to remove her bathing suit, or tried to rape her.
It is not that hard to establish where and when the party happened and who was there.
I’m reminded of Bernard Law claiming that society knew more about sex abuse in 2000 than we did decades earlier — as though there was ever a time when ordained clergy did NOT know that priests having sex with teenage pages was abhorrent.
This vote should be delayed until these charges can be investigated. The POT (Party of Trump) is again demonstrating its utter contempt for any standards of decency, truth, or morality by refusing to do that.
Heh “teenage pages” — that’s an interesting slip.
I, of course, meant “teenage parishioners”.
Delete this trash and ban this poster. We welcome intelligent conservatives willing to engage us on the issues, he is not one of them.
Look on the brightside: he didn’t provide links.
Keith Ellison ?
chirp chirp …
Grassley and Hatch are liars. They called for an FBI investigation into Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas but refuse Dr. Ford’s request for the same due process in order to rush Kavanaugh through before the October start of the Supreme Court and the November election.
Mr. Grassley and Mr. Hatch are Republicans. That means that they are liars by construction.
Seems like a long time, Mark, since you told us how you applied Phillip Tetlock’s ideas to sift the facts of an argument. Now you’ve regressed a sub-verbal level, posting cartoons to deal with information you don’t like.