We gotta FlipCongress
Check out our former AG Scott Harshbarger talking us up on NECN!
Want to maximize your donor power? We have done the legwork for you and identified the key Democratic challengers to support in the most important House and Senate races this fall. Let’s make the Blue Wave happen and restore checks and balances to our country!
full disclosure, I worked on the research angle for this site and some other volunteers helped pay to put it up and do the web design. Its all volunteers and none of us are getting paid. All the money to
Please share widely!
FlipCongress is based on ActBlue — I find that reassuring.
Also recommended is LastWeekend. Back in 2006, I trucked down to Connecticut and helped Joe Courtney defeat Rob Simmons. He won by fewer than 100 votes and he held the seat ever since.
Volunteering on these sorts of races can make a palpable difference.