Former Vice President Joe Biden speaking before the Royal Institute of International Affairs : “Democracy, freedom, openness that we cherish is under threat from within and without by the siren call of this phony nationalism and populism and xenophobia that exist in many Western democracies today including the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And the Trans Atlantic community must rally together now along with others across the world to counter this worldview defined by authoritarian control, naked expression of power, exclusion and intolerance. The fight for the future has already begun and it’s a fight that we have to win…and I think we are in a battle for the soul of the country in terms of what do we stand for? Who are we?”
Biden sounds warning
Please share widely!
“The Saudis say they didn’t do it and they can prove that because it’s not on their calendar.” John Fugelsang
God help us.
Is this the same guy who gave W an award the other day?
Your words are nice, Joe, but your actions over the last 40 years and even the last week speak louder.
Do we want to repudiate or validate Trump on November 6?