“Dear Susan Collins – I really struggled with this but my tourist $ just voted against ever visiting Maine while you remain in office.” John Fugelsang
As painful as this is for me – having summered on Drakes Island, Wells since boyhood – I pledge to boycott Maine until that last shameful Republican Senator in New England is driven from office. Further, I pledge to boycott my favorite delicacy – Maine lobster – during the same period.
If enough folks hit them where it hurts – in their wallets – maybe the powers that be will start to get the message that we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take this BS anymore.
Please share widely!
Better to punish Collins by donating to a Democrat’s election than our neighbors in Maine.
This is war. It’s not either / or. It’s both / and.
I am dead set against boycotting whole states over the actions of their elected officials. That penalizes everyone for the actions of some and I still remember how much I hated losing recess for the whole class because a few misbehaved.
Dangerous times call for extreme measures. We will never defeat these bastards if we keep bringing spitballs to the fight against their nuclear arsenal.
Wake up! This isn’t freaking recess.
I encourage donations to Jared Golden, a Democrat challenging LePage acolyte Bruce Poliquin for the 2nd District. He is a decorated Marine, union member, and dedicated working class progressive fighting to save ACA from the likes of Tea Party members of Congress like Poliquin.
If we want to beat Collins in two years, best to build a bench. I would also recommend donating to Janet Mills to make sure LePage successor Shawn Moody does not win their governorship. Lastly, Chellie Pingree is in a safe district but she would be my preferred choice to take on Collins in two years time. I also welcome Ambassador Susan Rice to the race, or at least, to future political activity in her family’s home state.
Boycotting is rather silly. I will probably be spending my 30th birthday up in Portland in businesses that are predominately either woman, LGBT, or immigrant owned. Our Airbnb hosts from last time were disgusted by Trump and I will be happy to patronize them as well. I do not see why innocent Mainer businesses like my brothers’ father in laws’ lobsterboat or my co workers family restaurant should lose money over the vote of a senator I know they will be actively working to defeat. Also what better way to prepare for canvassing against her in 2020 than canvassing up there in 2018?
“Extreme measures”–“I pledge to boycott my favorite delicacy – Maine lobster.”
More “Short Attention Span Theater” from Fred. You were okay with being a tourist in Maine while Paul Lepage was governor?
Are you going to boycott the portion represented by Senator Angus King, who caucuses with Democrats? Are you boycotting every state with a republican Senator, or just those with Republicans who appear to have a ghost of a conscience.
It is ridiculous that Collins is getting up this abuse, while Dean Heller from an indigo state up for re-election this year gets a free pass. Are you boycotting Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, too?
This is lazy bulls–t. Work to improve the politician, don’t punish an entire state because of how some of them voted four years ago. Did you move out of Massachusetts when Scott Brown was senator?
The politics of narcissism: “I pledge to boycott my favorite delicacy – Maine lobster.” Seriously?
Not only did I not move out of Massachusetts. Hell, I worked my ass off to make Scotto Brown move out of Massachusetts.