News broke earlier today about the arrest of the MAGA bomber and then pictures of his van went viral. Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone then skewered Republican Senate candidate (and MAGA fanboy) Geoff Diehl. This is same Geoff Diehl who was yukking it up with Howie Carr and Ann Coulter at a “deplorables” fundraiser in September and who won the Republican primary by being an ardent and unapologetic supporter of all things Trump.
Diehl, somewhat predictably, acted like he was a victim. He even demanded NECN issue an apology for retweeting Curtatone’s comment because apparently he’s unfamiliar that retweets from the media do not constitute endorsements (and because the media is the enemy of the people according to his base). Curtatone was having none of it, insisting that Diehl’s MAGA bona fides are not something he gets to hide from on a day when those become a very public liability.
What will be interesting to see is how much Diehl will have to answer for his years of embracing Trump’s most caustic elements during these last two weeks of this election. Warren’s trouncing him in the polls, but the level to which Massachusetts uses this race to air its grievances with Trump/MAGA deserves some attention. Also will be interesting to see if Charlie Baker manages to keep the firewall intact between himself and some of his fellow Republicans.
The outside of this guy's van looks like the inside of Geoff Diehl's head. #MAGABomber #mapoli #masen2018 #vanifesto
— Joseph A. Curtatone (@JoeCurtatone) October 26, 2018
Items like this make me really proud of my mayor.
Thank you, Joe, for saying what needs to be said loud and clear.
MAGA domestic terrorists do not grow in a political vacuum. Good on Mayor Curtatone for standing up and speaking out.