The targets of this domestic terror attack include :
2 past presidents
2 sitting congresswomen
a former vice president
a former secretary of state
a former attorney general
a former CIA director
CNN New York newsroom
an American investor/philanthropist/liberal activist
a film actor
Trump’s response is to tweet out an attack against the “hateful media” this morning. Pathetic.
Please share widely!
This is wrecking the actual Civil War for me. You’re no Horace Greeley Fred.
I don’t see you sticking your neck out and contributing a thing (including your name).
Is fantasizing about the Civil War something you enjoy? Which side do you fight on in your fantasies? Sorry Fred’s pointing out the despicable nature of Stump’s total omission of any mention of the victims of this terrorist act and opportunistic and snakelike attack on the press just happened to inexplicably trigger your Civil War fantasies.
The Civil War was a tragedy, not a trinket to admire on a mantel. Sorry he ‘ruined it for you’.
Was Lincoln this dumb?
Ironic that you should reference the Civil War. Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin said today that these bomber attacks against Stump’s most feared critics rivaled that of those dirty rotten Southern traitors who tried to destroy our Union and institutionalize slavery by assassinating President Lincoln and attempting to assassinate his cabinet.
Let’s just continue to focus on winning the election a week and a half from now. If we lose that, none of this will matter.
Stump says “Bomb” stuff has greatly impeded GOP momentum ahead of mid-term election.
The MAGABomber is a right-wing domestic terrorist and Stump instigates right-wing domestic terrorism.
MAGABOMBER : criminal background, prior arrests for explosives, steroid use, registered Republican. So much for right-wing ‘false-flag’ propaganda.