Foiled assassination of former President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton. Bombs mailed to attempt murder at CNN and against liberal philanthropist George Soros.
“Trump has stoked a cold civil war in this country. His rallies brim with menace and he has labeled journalists as enemies of the people. That someone would seek to kill their political enemies is not aberrational but rather the inevitable consequence of Trumps incitement.
The targets are political not incidental. Trump, the greatest demagogue in American history has celebrated violence over and over again. It looks like someone finally took Trump both literally and seriously. The White House will feign outrage when this obvious point is made.
No journalist or commentator should be intimidated from making this point. The stoking of hatred and sundering of the American people was always going to lead to terrible consequences. Chief amongst them would be the initiation of partisan or sectarian violence within our country.” Steve Schmidt
Our GOP Collaborators abjectly refuse to perform their constitutional duty. They cheer on Mr. Trump and his mob, either explicitly by open support or implicitly by their silence.
Will ANYONE stop this madness?
The people who started this madness two years ago can join with those of us who tried to stop it and vote out the madness on November 6.
This act of domestic terrorism was called out today by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio and NYC Police Commissioner, James O’Neill.
Charlie Baker could be at center state in Massachusetts condemning this president and his rhetoric (his latest tweet this morning put the blame on the fake news media and warned the media to stop what it is doing)….but Charlie is quiet and Charlie is leading in the polls.
The cowardly silence from Republican elected officials in standing up and speaking out against Trumpism is deafening.