I know this is true because my president told me so even though Congress is not in session.
And guess what? False alarm. No worries. My president and his party promised they won’t kill me by stealing my pre-existing condition cancer insurance coverage – aka Obamacare – until AFTER the election.
Well, that’s a relief.
Please share widely!
The media headlines should be “Trump lies about tax cut”. They aren’t.
We get euphemisms, platitudes, and stories of GOP leaders “looking into” the lies of Mr. Trump.
It falls to opinion writers like Paul Krugman to remind us of the lies that fill this campaign — for example, GOP legislators who tell their campaign audiences that they fight to preserve coverage for pre-existing conditions while spending the last two years fighting to remove that coverage. Not surprisingly, mainstream America listens to Fox and dismisses everything Mr. Krugman writes as more “fake news”.
Driven by failed GOP dogma about “the free market”, we dismantled federal policies like the fairness doctrine and “equal time” decades ago. We are now being destroyed by a “fair and balanced” publisher, relied on by more than half of our population, that fills its audience with lies and hateful racist propaganda.
Meanwhile, the banana republic thug in the Oval Office continues to attack CNN as “the enemy of the people” even as its headquarters are attacked for the third time.
Our republic is in great peril, and the immediate threat comes from within. We are being brought down by ignorant, racist, and bigoted deplorables responding to the enthusiastic cheerleading from our President, his Trumpist Collaborators, and their propaganda machine.
Our 2016 nominee was loudly chastised by her fellow Democrats, including many in this community, for accurately describing half of Donald Trump’s supporters as “deplorables”. I was harshly condemned here for using the term “Collaborator” to describe GOP supporters of Mr. Trump. Is there now any doubt about either?
Paul Krugman predicts that the Trumpists will refuse to actually cede power if they lose the upcoming election. I share his concerns.
We are in the midst of a sustained terrorist attack on the bastions of our freedom, and our President and his party continue to encourage the terrorists. Welcome to Donald Trump’s America.
Some have argued that the Reichstag fire can’t happen here. I suggest that it’s time to charge the hoses, because the inferno is already raging.
When Trump manages to ban the Democratic Party and actually make it stick we can talk about a Reichstag fire. I continue to say that the Weimar Republic actually had constitutional tools that we do not to allow the political fallout from that event.
Will it be enough for you if the Trumpists claim that the November election results are invalid and refuse to seat the elected Democratic majority?
What is your opinion of constitutional tools like a hyper-partisan Supreme Court that rubber-stamps whatever policy du jour that the GOP currently advocates?
Constitutional tools are meaningful only for a government that does more than lip service to the constitution.
Yes, and he will just end birthright citizenship by executive order, which is likewise just pre-election red meat for the base which will never actually happen. Unlike the tax cut there is this little thing called the Constitution standing in the way of that one.