The “Hero of the Hudson” who steered 154 passenger Flight 1549 to safety in 2009 writes in a new op-ed for the Washington Post:
“The fabric of the United States is under attack with too many people in power — cowardly complicit enablers — projecting the worst qualities. This is not the America I know and love. We’re better than this.
Those in power are acting against the interests of the United States, our allies and democracy; encouraging extremists at home and emboldening our adversaries abroad; and threatening the livability of our planet. Many of these leaders do not respect the office they hold and they lack — or disregard — a basic knowledge of history, science and leadership by acting impulsively, worsening a toxic political environment.
I could not let my silence or civility connote acquiescence. We cannot wait for someone to save us. We must do it ourselves. This Election Day is a crucial opportunity to again demonstrate the best in each of us by doing our duty and voting for leaders who are committed to the values that will unite and protect us.”
We ignored Sullenberger when he brought up the low wages for commercial pilots.
Much of the push back I heard about Question 1 was because of the electorate’s opposition to “labor unions”.
My own post on Blue Mass Group regarding the Grand Bargain that cuts the pay of working class citizens of Massachusetts was hardly read, and only responded once by someone who thought it was a good thing, overall.
The Working Class, LABOR, is looking for a political party to represent it.
So far, we have not seen any takers.
I’m not sure you have access to any data at all about how many people read your Grand Bargain post. Some of us who read it chose to not respond.
Only one person commented. No one seems bothered by it. The Massachusetts Democratic Party is reserved for Wealthy White Liberals who have a disdain for ordinary working class citizens and who stoke their egos by patronizing a few selected and approved minority groups.
And they wonder why the lose elections…..
We just won this election.
There you go again. The disdain I have is for people who blame their suffering on selected and approved scapegoats — specifically including “Wealthy White Liberals”.
Show me the money. Wages have been flat for decades and our Massachusetts legislators recently voted to CUT the wages of many working class citizens of the Commonwealth.
What did “we” win?
Shall I hold my breath?
Spoken like a true Republican.
What did we win?
– An end to the relentless attacks on healthcare
– An end and perhaps even a reversal of the huge tax cuts for the very wealthy
– An end to immigration lunacy
– An opportunity to begin investing in infrastructure
– An end to the dismantling of our environmental laws
– A federally-mandated $15/hour minimum wage
– And on and on and on.
As is so often the case with your commentary, you focus on one group of workers that will see a decrease (those affected by the change in Sunday pay) and ignore the much larger group of workers that will see an increase (those who work full-time for $9/hour).
Rather than holding your breath, you might consider actually considering actual data.