Hey Donny, looks like you painted yourself into a corner with the wall. I’m here to give to a hand because I’m a giver and I can’t stand to see a guy like you have such a bad hair day, day after day…and that is some seriously bad hair. I’ve seen comb overs but yours is a comb down, across, up and over and down again. Amazing. But I digress…
Back to the wall, I say dump the wall and push this :A MOAT! Walls cost a lot of money with steel, concrete, and other materials, not to mention the contractors that you have to pay to install it (or not pay after the work is done, if you know what I mean..) In any case, a MOAT has no material, none! Think of the cost savings! All we need are shovels and rain, and the rain is free!
A MOAT is the answer to the high cost of a wall and there’s more. You worried about eminent domain? That’s not a problem with a MOAT. See, we take the domain that we dig up to make the MOAT and we give it to the owners to put somewhere else. Problem solved! Even better, the property owners along the way will now own waterfront property! Who knows, maybe your kids can get investors to build a few hotels there, maybe a golf course.
Finally, who has a MOAT? Kings! We can tell all your supporters that you’ve made America Great Again because now, we all “Live Like Kings” and if you doubt us, look, we’ve got us a MOAT!
Message to Donald Trump!
Please share widely!
This video resurfaced today of Trump telling students to go through concrete walls:)
THIS is what really pisses me off about our so-called “liberal” anti-Trump media. When will the media ever grow a spine and call him out on his lies and contradictions? I’m tired of hearing the media describe his comments as inaccurate or inconsistent. When will they stand up and say, “Mr. Trump, that is a lie. Why are you telling a lie to the American people?” or, “Mr. Trump, earlier you said the exact opposite. How can you expect the American people to trust you?”