It is tremendously erotic to speculate endlessly about legislative motives on a water-under-the-bridge minimum wage increase. I freely acknowledge that, as I use my handy personal cloth to wipe clean my cerebral cortex.
We get ever grouchier with each passing week as we try futilely to ignore our doofulectic despot. Could I interject briefly to bring your attention to the minor business of preventing the potential end of the republic playing out this month in Washington?
Article Two of the United States Constitution severely limited the power of the person “presiding” over the democratically elected government of the United States.
But ever since the end of the Second World War in 1945, Presidents of the United States have been gathering increasing power to themselves to decide the fate of this country. They have done this with the acquiescence of the branch intended to run the show in this democratic experiment under Article One: the Congress of the United States of America.
We are now in danger of that creeping power ending the republic.
So, as fascinating as the microeconomic effects of state-level minimum wages are, kindly wipe off your cerebral cortex with your handy towel and let me return your attention to this drama playing out as we speak.
- As surreal as it may seem, we must stare in the face the evidence that our current Chief Executive has continued to execute the interests of a foreign government, rather than his own. This is apparent to anyone who knows the European politics in Hungary, Great Britain, and Montenegro to cite a few examples. There has been no real action response thus far in Washington from his own party save a few sanctions that the ‘President’ has not followed through on.
- Stump stated yesterday that he believes that he has the power to declare an emergency, end the debate that has caused the federal government to shutdown, and then spend money not authorized by the Congress. This has received barely a shrug. Mainly laughs.
- (Insert here an endless list of constitutional misconduct in office, from defense decisions that are bizarre unless viewed through the prism of a foreign government’s strategic interests, to emolument prohibitions, and ultimately the one that is most likely to bring him down: money laundering resulting in compromise as an intelligence asset.)
I find all of this alarming. I do not find this humorous or just another day in the circus, as much of our press seems to. Very little attention has been paid to likely White House succession scenarios.
It is obvious that there is a kind of sluggish sheep-like, conventional wisdom-worshipping thinking going on right now. This reminds me of pre-World War I thinking in 1914 in the capitols of Europe: ‘Whatever happens, we’ll be fine and it will eventually work out as it always has.’
But my purpose is not to again exhort to action. Instead, it is to point out that Speaker Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi, now to be a giant in history, is being ignored here and nearly everywhere else as an afterthought.
NDP will inevitably be regarded as a giant. It is now clear that NDP will be the first major power center legally enabled by our constitution to castrate the gelatinous generalissimo, and, unlike the retiring rhetoricians Flake and Corker, WILL DO SO.
But what is going almost completely unobserved is that it is likely that Nancy Pelosi will also be the next President of the United States, whether the sleepwalking among us want to acknowledge it or not.
There are ample signs that The Asset’s power is finally waning. And as for ‘Vice-President’ Mike Pence, Pence was the head of the transition team. It is obvious to anyone with a sixth-grade education that the likelihood that he knew nothing of the wild escapades of the GRU in that position is nil. Mueller will not and can not ignore this. Pence will go as well.
And then came Nancy.
The really tough, and terrible question is, will they go peacefully, and will the serpents in the Senate majority realize soon enough that their political posture will be far superior running against a retiring President Pelosi than running with the fraudster or his Stepford vice-president.
I think the dim lights will come on soon enough in the Republican Senate caucus. Senators must run state-wide races and not in safe troglodytic districts like some House Members. Senators will realize that to save their own skins, they must rid themselves of their problem before it engulfs them.
Yes, NDP will, however briefly, be the President of the United States.
“A new day has dawned in America.” NDP
And the sanguisuge in the White House is not prepared for the blinding light that will shine upon him as the NDP sun elevates over the horizon.
You need to do a better job wiping your cerebral cortex, Terry.
I know you have the ‘cortex of a conservative’. I sleep well at night. My cortex is clear.
Despite the broad, well-funded, and relentless campaign of decades making fun of NDP, we Democrats knew that her cerebral cortex was superior to those of her political enemies. We Democrats were right again. And you ain’t seen nothin yet,
That fearless 78-year-old woman also has more male gonadal ‘forza’ in her pinky finger than all of the male gonads in the United States Senate Republican caucus ‘bagged’ together.
The Italian Right Wing party is called Forza Italia.. Pelosi is the real forza italia!
Pelosi is the diametrical opposite of Stump in every way. All action and very little talk. She doesn’t need to toot her own horn when she’s running you over with her vehicle.
“Trumpism is the culture of cronyism, corruption and incompetence” NDP
“Trump’s relationship with thugs like Putin is appalling.” NDP
NDP said : “NO” wall and the petulant LOSER stormed out of the meeting.