[Horrifying. Our thoughts and support to Paris and the nation of France itself. — Charley]
Notre Dame is gone too. This was not just a building, even for so many who could never travel there. It stood for 800 years, and seemed to symbolize that beauty and a higher purpose, transcending ordinary human failings, could endure even through war and hatred. What a terrible time we are living in.
Let’s make it so in a few years it feels like it was a brief bad dream, not the beginning of countless tragedies dredged up from history and repeated. It is within our power to turn things around, if we get more involved instead of turning away.
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I know that tragedies involving human lives count for more. But the Notre Dame fire is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.
I agree. It is even sadder than the National Museum of Brazil burning down. I’m glad that I got to visit both the museum and the Notre Dame before they were destroyed, and I pity anyone who missed out on those opportunities.
We can hope that Notre Dame will not be totally destroyed.
As of 5:30p, Paris officials say that the two towers are safe. The iconic spire that was toppled today dates from the 19th century. Sadly, the three rose windows dating from the 13th century have been lost. Multiple sources report that the medieval wood interior is destroyed, but that the stone structure remains sound.
Notre Dame is heavily damaged but apparently not yet “gone”.
French officials report today that the three famous Rose Windows were saved, as was the magnificent original organ.