Attorney General Barr testifying before the Senate on April 10. “Q: Did (Special Counsel) Bob Mueller support your conclusion? A: I don’t know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion.”
We now know that Mueller wrote a letter on March 27 objecting to Barr’s summary of his report because it “did not fully capture the context, nature and substance of the investigation.”
Barr must resign immediately or be impeached.
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Q: How do you know if a Trumpist is lying?
A: Their lips are moving
Of course he perjured himself. The entire Trumpist cabal is incapable of telling the truth.
The question remains what — if anything — we Democrats are going to DO about it.
“All civil Officers, SHALL be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, … other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Article II, Section 4
Congress decides what is impeachable. I believe lying under oath to Congress is impeachable.
For the record, I have been calling for impeachment of Trump and his criminal sycophants since the midterm election.
This presidency has been in violation of the Constitution from day one, beginning with violations of the emoluments clauses (there are two) which were intended to prohibit the president from using the office for personal gain.
Everything after this has just been one more violation. Democrats seem to not be interested in doing much about it, presumably hoping that once they get in office they too can further enrich themselves.
Saying : “Democrats seem not to be interested in doing much about it, presumably hoping that once they get in office they too can enrich themselves” is not only a lie, it is a shameful, unfounded , cowardly attack.
It is an attack that would be easier to rebut if the Democrats showed more interest in actually DOING something about all this. All the protestations and table thumping about how all this is “unacceptable” is, in my view, approximately as effective as “hopes and prayers”.
It is time for the Democrats to hit and hit hard. Enough talk.