Three first -time, independent, progressive challengers won elective office for Town Council / Municipal Gas & Light Board yesterday topping their respective ticket vote :
Councilor Jonathan Chines — 1998
Commissioner Phil Courcy — 2231
Commissioner Tom Boettcher — 1739
Congratulations to all who had the courage to move my home town of Wakefield forward by making a difference thru public service and sacrifice.
Please share widely!
Turnout was 17% of Wakefield’s 18,760 registered voters.
Jonathan Chines served as Chair of Young Dems of MA for a couple of years when I was also on the board, so my particular congratulations to him!
I first met Jonathan in 2003 when he was Chair of Young Democrats of MA as an undergraduate at Tufts University and a volunteer of Katherine Clark’s state senate campaign and I was serving as her campaign manager.
Great news from a purple town, with nettlesome progressive activists causing trouble.