“As my father believed, there’s no higher calling for a woman or a man to be a good mother or a good father. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there who work every day to help raise their children — and all children — to be honorable, generous, kind young men and women.”
Contrast this with the undignified POTUS : “HFD to all, including my worse and most vicious critics, of which there are fewer and fewer.”
Please share widely!
Was that seriously Trump’s tweet?
Multiple sources report that indeed, that seriously WAS Mr. Trump’s tweet. Mr. Trump spelled out “Happy Fathers Day” instead of “HFD”:
Yes, indeed it is. “POTUS Donald J. Trump, ladies and gentlemen, all the proof you need that all the laundered Russian mob money in the world can’t buy dignity, or a wig that doesn’t make it look like you lost a wrestling match with a roll of fiberglass insulation.” Jeff Tiedrich
Not that it bears much repeating around here, but what a p.o.s
Keep our eyes on the prize. It’s ALL about defeating Trump.