I spent a beautiful Saturday indoors today—this politicoholic needs to get a life — watching the South Carolina Democratic State Convention / Rep. James Clyburn free Friday night Fish Fry which he started back in the early 1990’s as a way to express gratitude to the thousands of volunteer activists who couldn’t afford the $125 traditional dinner ticket. I even watched a video of then candidate Barack Obama demonstrating the proper way to eat fish. You wrap the fish which is fried in flour, cornmeal, and spices in a piece of white bread then add hot sauce.
All our candidates had 7 minutes to speak. Some spoke better than others. I was particularly impressed with Sen. Kamala Harris who entered to a drum line, dancing her way down an escalator. Sen. Corey Booker gave an impassioned pep talk and was well organized with supporters. Our own favorite daughter Sen. Elizabeth Warren was brilliant and on fire. Joe Biden laid out a progressive platform including criminal justice reform.
More than 60% of SC Democratic primary voters are AA. Their strong support for Joe Biden was best summed up by a volunteer activist : “Barrack put him on the ticket for a reason.”
“She’s number one.” William Lawrence, former SC Democratic Party veteran caucus chair, summing up his support for Elizabeth Warren and why he switched to her after supporting Bernie in 2016
“Free college, living wages, free healthcare? Democrats wouldn’t touch that before but now those are common positions in our party.”
“She’s the one who has plans, she’s the one who can articulate her vision for the future. She has more substance than anybody else.” Harriet Harris, a SC voter volunteer for Warren’s campaign
Rep. Clyburn praised former Rep. Beto O’Rourke for live-streaming a 2016 sit-in on the U.S. House floor that was censored/blacked out by GOP leadership. The protest was against ConPuke refusal to bring gun reform legislation to a vote and was led by Rep. John Lewis and our own Congresswoman Katherine Clark (MA-5).
Why am I not surprised that you left out Bernie Sanders? His speech hit all the right notes.
Betsey, sorry I missed Bernie’s speech but why don’t you tell us why you’re supporting him? Your link to his speech does not have audio.
At this time, I am undecided, and as I publicly stated months ago, I will not personally attack any Democratic candidate during the primary process. And I pledge to wholeheartedly support the Democratic nominee whoever she is. 🙂
My fire will continue to focus on ridding the world of the ‘God Emperor’ with no clothes who poses an existential threat to the future of freedom, democracy and justice everywhere.
FWIW, the audio was fine for me on Betsey’s clip. Perhaps you might try again.
Thanks, Tom. I tried it again just now and the audio came through though volume was low. It could be a problem on my end.
But Bernie’s close came in loud and clear : “We are the 99% and 99% is a hell of a bigger number that 1%.”
You tell ’em Bernie! Screw the 1%. Make them pay their fair share.