… they’re not sending their best. They’re sending their rapists, their criminals, their bribe-takers, their wife-beaters, their tax-evaders, their dead-beat dads, their security clearance failures, their adulterers, their misogynists, their homophobes, their religious lunatics, their racists, their Russia-colluders, and their pedophiles — and that’s just the ones in office.
On second thought, given what we’ve now seen of the GOP, the aforementioned probably are ‘their best’.” Nance Greggs
Please share widely!
But some I assume are good people:)
Based on what I’ve seen, there is no empirical reason to assume that!
If mental illness is to blame for Trump -instigated domestic terrorist mass shootings, it begins in the White House.
The Trumpist takeover of the GOP made that assumption inoperative (to use another word from the Nixon era).
I assert that it is not possible to look at Mr. Trump’s lies, appointments, abuse of power, and appallingly reprehensible treatment of those he deems “less worthy” and still support him or the party that does his billing.
A man who beats his wife and children is not “a good man”, no matter how many good deeds he does in his community or church.
It really doesn’t matter which foundation stones of Trumpist dogma one chooses, they are pretty much ALL completely disconnected and in opposition to reality:
1. The GOP bleated about “federal deficits” for decades, going so far as to cite concerns about the deficit as motivation to shut down the government multiple times. The federal deficit has EXPLODED under Mr. Trump and the Trumpist GOP, and the party is silent.
2. The GOP bleated about “national security” for even longer, going all the way back to the McCarthy era. Good people were pilloried, prosecuted, persecuted, and smeared — inside the political domain and out — based on ties to “communism”, “the Reds”, and so on. Since 2016, we see leading GOP senators appearing on Russian TV on Independence Day! We see “Moscow Mitch” burying efforts to even weakly respond to compelling evidence of past, present, and future Russian interference in the American electoral system.
3. Climate change is a “hoax”
4. Environmental regulations are a “hoax”
5. Coal is “good”
And on and on and on.
It is not possible for a “good person” to support this.
El Paso crossed a line for me and I’ve grown pretty impatient with the “give him a chance” crowd or the “we voted for the tax cuts and not the racism” crowd. Obviously Charlottesville was the first red line, but after El Paso he’s inarguably a racist whose rhetoric has fomented white terrorism against his own people. I think we have an obligation to say so. It’s long been unfunny and saying “I wish he didn’t tweet so much” isn’t a valid excuse.
I knew the scumbag was a racist years ago when he instigated ‘Birtherism’ by falsely claiming that Obama wasn’t born in America.
It still bothers me the media “both sides” that story and elevated it rather than calling it out as the blatantly racist lie it was. It was an early preview of how they would fail to hold Trump accountable.
@ False both-sides:
Indeed, it mirrors the media’s criminal negligence in doing the same thing about the science of climate change. There is no scientific debate about whether or not climate change is caused by humans, just as there is no scientific debate about elevation and there is no scientific debate about whether or not the Earth is more than six thousand years old.
This is quite similar to the way the media is treating the GOP’s war on women.
The motivator of the “right to life” movement is now and always has been blocking women’s access to affordable, convenient, and effective artificial contraception. This week’s decision by Planned Parenthood to withdraw from the federal Title X program accomplishes the major goal of the GOP — and especially of the institutional Roman Catholic Church that has aligned itself with the GOP — since the Reagan era.
Planned Parenthood has been far and away the largest provider of contraception services for poor and working-class families. Abortion services have always been a minor part of Planned Parenthood’s activity.
The GOP and the institutional Roman Catholic Church this week effectively removed access to artificial contraception for millions of poor and working-class women. This fits hand-and-glove with the racist and misogynist agenda of the Trumpists who now control the GOP. Removing Donald Trump from office won’t change a blessed thing — Mike Pence is even more misogynist than Mr. Trump (if that’s possible).
This attack on artificial contraception for poor and working class women should be MAJOR front-page news. Instead it is barely mentioned.
You understand I was riffing on Trump’s comments about Mexicans, hence the smiley emoticon punctuation, right? The irony was fully understood and intended on my part.
@ irony: I understood and appreciated the irony.
The meme is so pervasive that I wanted to respond the way I did anyway.
Trumpists are the most twisted collection of mutant monsters since the 3rd Reich.