The fascist leader of the League party was ousted today and Italy’s new leaders were sworn in after the pro – European Democratic Party (PD) joined the anti – establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) to form a center – left coalition government.
So if my warring Italian ancestors can unite to screw the fascists why can’t we, the Brits and the world do likewise?
Please share widely!
We are doing likewise. The developments in Great Britain and Hong Kong over the past 30 hours are remarkable and could yet mark a turning point.
The headline looks like it was written in the 1940s – well played!
I am cautiously optimistic, a big issue with both Italy and the UK is that the voters have not been given a say in these events just yet. It could serve to strengthen Salvini for a general election campaign, particularly if Five Star voters abandon their eclectic party (which is an odd mix of Green politics and populist economics wedded to Eurosceptism and Putinphilia) for his.
I am more confident BoJo might have run his course, his foolish proroguing united the Remainers across party lines like nothing Teresa May ever did. If they can hold together, they could conceivably govern as a coalition in a hung parliament. The reason they do not want an election now is that BoJo could still unite the right and outflank the center-left.