Speaking on MSNBC as Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, Congresswoman Katherine Clark (D-MA5), described the mood of her colleagues as one of “somber responsibility.”
“People understand when there is corruption in our government their interests are not the priority. Trump has put his political gain over our national security, the integrity of our elections and his oath of office. That is corruption. Plain and simple.”
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Question to Trump : What did you want Zelensky to do about Biden?
Answer : Chirp, chirp. Crickets.
Trump is drowning in his lies.
Fox News legal analyst Judge Napolitano just called for Trump’s impeachment.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Trumpty together again.
? to Trump today : Have you asked any foreign governments to investigate any corruption that DOESN’T involve your political opponents?
Trump : “We’d have to look into that.”
58 % 0f Americans now favor impeachment. That is a 21 % increase since July.
The Trumpists are soiling themselves.