Kent channeling Archibald Cox with the bow tie alongside Taylor’s testimony was both damning and devastating. Will it make a difference? With Senate Republicans? No. Their Rubicon of shame was passed many moons ago. With the voting public? No matter how “scary” single payer is, will it make a difference running against a sell out to foreign powers? One can still hope that in America, loyalty to country and the rule of law will prevail over partisanship.
The cardboard placard on the rusty 01’ 4Runner in front of me on RT 1 eloquently stated the 2020 case for the Democrats: Dump Trump.
Please share widely!
I can’t believe the GOP thought Jim Jordan is their best advocate, to the point they reassigned him to Intelligence just for this purpose.
If Jordan was a Democrat, he would have been forced to resign last year because the right-wing onslaught would have been non-stop. I’ve never seen Democrats talk much about his enabling of widespread sexual abuse. They should, especially this week where he is given more power but there is also another accuser who has tied him to the abuse enablement.
He is literally the Joe Paterno of Ohio high school wrestling. I have no freakin clue why there aren’t ads asking the GOP why they put a molester enabler in charge of the Trump defense. This is after the same caucus elected and enabled another pedophile wrestler as Speaker for decades.
Birds of a feather, I guess:(
Speaking of Jim Jordan, the best moment of the day seemed to be when he started ranting about having the whistleblower testify so they could speak to “the man who started all of this”, to which Peter Welch of VT said he too wants to speak to the man who started all of this, so Donald Trump is welcome to come testify whenever he wants!:)
Even without the college athletic baggage I think Jordan is the wrong guy. His grandstanding is embarrassing and if the shoe were on the other foot I would want someone who could methodically pick apart the case for impeachment rather than rant and rave.
Agreed, I much prefer Nunes. 😛
How can anyone of any political persuasion read Mr. Trump’s live tweet during Ms. Yovanovitch’s testimony as anything BUT witness intimidation? I’m not surprised that Donald Trump does this. I’m flabbergasted that GOP officials remain silent or even defend it.
This is the stuff of Stalinist Russia.
I fear for the safety of Ms. Yovanovitch. I wonder if it’s time to start packing for Canada.
Even Richard Nixon didn’t commit compounding impeachable offenses in public and in real time!
Even the passionately Republican members of the GOP in 1974 were appalled by Mr. Nixon’s behavior and made it clear that they would in fact remove him from office.
Mr. Trump and the GOP are endangering the lives of the whistleblower and of Ms. Yovanovitch in public on broadcast TV witnessed by the entire world. The only thing that can possibly be accomplished by these threats and attacks is to intimidate other witnesses.
The irony of Ms. Yovanovitch getting the call to “get on the next plane” because of her “security” while she was giving an award to honor Kateryna Handziuk — killed with acid for threatening Ukrainian corruption — is overwhelming. To have Mr. Trump threatening her while she was giving testimony is heart-stopping.
Nothing Mr. Nixon was accused or suspected of comes remotely close to the ever-expanding criminal enterprise operated by Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin.
Mr. Putin does, in fact, kill his detractors and critics. It is literally nauseating to see the GOP Collaborators follow Mr. Trump down that same path.
Does this stop? How? When?
Hopefully by focusing on bribery, Pelosi has found the silver bullet to finally divorce white working class independents from this corrupt administration. Instead of focusing on the racism, or the tweets, or the lack of fitness for office-focus on how Trump has used his office to get rich. Mainly by abusing his national security power to shake down our allies or to be shaken down by our enemies. It’s time they stop. Roger Stone going to jail is also welcome news. Hopefully he and Manafort can turn stool pigeon. Trump also undermined his own Justice Dept. by tweeting out falsehoods throughout the trial.
Jim Jordan just broadcast arguably the biggest whopper yet. He referred to “an electoral college landslide” for Mr. Trump in 2016.
These guys are apparently playing solely to an audience of one.
The allegation that Mr. Trump had a “landslide” electoral college margin in 2016 is as laughably false as the claim that he drew the largest inaugural crowd in history.