Worst of all in this tragic turn of events of the past three years, really, is Senator Lamar Alexander, who knows better, but declared that the remedy is the election season that starts this week in Iowa, when the whole point of the impeachment Articles is that he was and is determined to cheat in that VERY ELECTION.
Alexander was the Director of the Institute of Politics at Harvard, and, in an yet another death of irony, was a protege of the revered Senator Howard Baker, who famously asked the question of Richard Nixon, “What did the President know, and when did he know it?”
Without a radical redress of this impending decision not to have an actual trial, very soon, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the beginning of the end of the American Republic, and the beginning of a system not based upon representative democracy and the rule of law, but instead the rule of the powerful and the enabling of them by that new system.
This reminds me of nothing other than the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the new system of caesars under the first of them, Julius Caesar.
Ironically, the subject of this post would be flattered by the comparison. In fact, there is nothing that he would like more.
His supporters wouldn’t mind either.
Most of them know absolutely nothing of the end of the Roman Republic, and it is largely not their fault.
Absent the election of a healer like Joe Biden, we are in for greater tragedies in this nation.
Kabuki BS Senate just screwed the country and the Constitution by crowning a king via a coup d’état without a shot being fired.
I think we can start healing by electing any Democrat, but assuming this outcome all along I guess I’m not gasping as hard as others.
The American Republic began its decline as a representative democracy in the early 1990s, I’d say. The current Senate Republican’s are Newt Gingrich’s win-at-all-costs ideological children. This is merely the most recent sign of a trend that began a while ago.
I will admit I find your last line a bit of a non sequitur. Not sure “hope harder” is a solution; a repeat of Obama’s strategy of waiting for Republicans to show the kindness and intelligence they are paid so handsomely not to have.doesn’t give me hope.
“Ken Starr once impeached a president for fellatio; yesterday he performed fellatio on an impeached president.” John fugelsang
I wept listening to Senator Mitt Romney’s speech calling for Trump’s conviction — the only bipartisan vote ever cast to convict in an impeachment. trial.
Thank you, sir, for doing the right thing. You are a true American patriot and Profile in Courage.