” We need a president who can bring people together, who knows how to get things done at home and abroad, whose word we can count on, and who can nurture the next generation of leaders.” Caroline Kennedy
I’m still “Riden’ with Biden”. Go Joe, Go!
Please share widely!
Will Caroline Kennedy’s endorsement/eulogy last longer than Kerry’s?https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/john-kerry-overheard-discussing-possible-2020-bid-amid-concern-sanders-n1128476
That’s in the running for silliest story of the primary season.
No doubt Kerry is now claiming he made a perfect phone call.
I don’t care whether it were perfect or not; it’s still silly.
Can anyone tell me why Caroline Kennedy is on the board of directors at Boeing?
lol. You don’t know her distinguished business career?!?!?!
Why not?
Well, I could see if she had a background in aviation or had a pilot’s license…..but it seems that no one on the board is licensed to fly a plane. So why her? What does she bring to the board and why should I vote for Biden because she backs him?
Caroline Kennedy brings absolutely nothing to Boeing’s board except her good name and the fact she was President Obama’s US Ambassador to Japan.
Oh, and you most definitely should NOT vote for Vice President Biden because Ambassador Kennedy endorsed him.
LOL. How’d she get that Ambassador job?
We all want to say we’re better but we still indulge in all the same crap we condemn the other party for.
Newsflash! Ambassadorships are often political appointments, especially to major allies.
Yes, they are corruption. I understand this.
Corporate board members usually are not experts in the specific service or product their company provides so much as in corporate governance and finances. Plus having connections they can use to the company’s benefit doesn’t hurt.
Kennedy’s connections didn’t prevent those two plane crashes .Having people on the board some aviation expertise might have been beneficial.
I think it’s more important that the pilots and mechanics have aviation expertise.
Of course it is, Christopher, but that’s a real non-sequitur. You don’t have to choose between pilots and mechanics on the one hand and board members on the other.
Pilots and mechanics have to answer to management, who ultimately have to answer to the board of directors
When the board of directors is picked for its political connections and not for its expertise, that culture can seep down into the company.
It has been widely reported that that’s what happened at Boeing.
Or as Mike Dukakis put it, ” a fish rots from the head.”